Field and flower borders
To stimulate biodiversity, 7 hectares are sown each year with field and flower borders. Insects can settle in these edges, which are used as natural enemies of pest insects at surrounding plots. The field and flower borders are laid out efficiently, placing them in shadow lines of forests. An annual loss of yield is seen in shaded areas, which is eliminated when placing field and flower borders, so that no cultivated crops grow here. In addition, it is a good placement, so that the field and flower borders match the presence of forests well. In addition, the field and flower borders are also laid next to water-bearing ditches. This benefits biodiversity, because temperature fluctuations above ditches are smaller. The obligatory cultivation-free zones next to water-bearing ditches for cultivation do not remain fallow, but are sown with grass and flower mixtures. Finally, it provides a smart field edge for buffering plant protection products, so that they do not leach into the water-bearing ditches. The buffer zone is used as a biological filter, whereby the soil life in this strip breaks down the active substances.
Bee hotel and insect hedge
In addition to sowing field and flower borders, biodiversity is maintained by placing bee hotels. Placing a bee hotel at the main location at van den Borne potatoes ensures that insect pests are kept out on the surrounding plots. An insect hedge has also been placed next to the bee hotel. This special insect hedge is in bloom all year round, as the different plants have their own flowering time to always attract insects.
Hawk posts and owl boxes
Hawk poles are placed to keep the pests out of the fields like voles. This simple form of control provides an opportunity to sit on the pole while balancing the population of voles in the field. In addition, owl boxes have been placed in all warehouses for the potatoes. Owl populations are housed here which drives the pests away.
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