We have the following certifications:
GlobalGAP stands for: Global Good Agricultural Practice. These are the requirements that are set worldwide for farmers and horticulturalists with regard to food safety, sustainability and quality. The Central Food Trade Agency (CBL) has taken the initiative on behalf of the supermarkets for the Dutch market to promote the introduction of GlobalGAP.
Click on this link for a description of GLOBALG.A.P.
We have been certified for some time as a recognized training company for students from agricultural MBO schools. Are you interested in a possible internship with us? Please contact Jacob van den Borne.
Click on this link for a description of Aequor
We have also been approved via the NAO as a recognized company for cleaning and disinfecting trailers for the transport of potatoes.
Click on this link for a description of NAO
We also have a HACCP system, which is monitored by the NVWA. HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points and is a risk inventory for foods.
Click on this link for a description of HACCP
Van den Borne Potatoes is also GMP + certified. This is a certificate that guarantees the food safety of our products.
Click on this link for a description of GMP +Certificeringen
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